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This little chuffer covering the Jackson coach yard job is a member of a family of six-wheeled switchers on the Central which in 1940 included seven classes and forty six subclasses. The 6940 represents class B-11g, built, surprisingly enough in view…
A rare breed on the Central, ten-wheel switcher 7191 works the hump at Windsor, Ontario. Å 1940 system roster shows four of these then remaining, all in the 7190 series but each in a different subclassification of the M-1 class. While they may have…
Last steam loco at North White Plains yard, Alco #8340 in view
High Street, the main business thoroughfare of Springfield, crosses over the Sandusky Division tracks just east of the wye at Linden Avenue. This picture was made from the High Street bridge as the regular section of the Valley Run pulled up the…
PA Div. VS79 T.T. 7026+
After an interval of about three minutes, the 3107 rolled x-447 out of Springfield depot to meander after no. 303 down to Cincinnati, the final terminal of both trains. The "Cincinnati Division'' between Springfield and Ivorydale Junction in…
Overturned steam locomotive and cars in front of Ann Arbor, MI station
The partially-undressed appearance of Beech Grove tower is typical of most of those on the Big Four. Generally they are weathered clapboard structures squatting or perching on the frailest of legs. : Beech Grove is one which squats, but there are…
The 2378 drifts down Guilford Hill at Code with Second 90, an Indianapolis-Sharon run. (The hill is identified by the name of the little town about 5 1/2 miles upgrade from Lawrenceburg Junction.) This rolling, wooded section of Southeastern Indiana…
There was both honor and ignominy for this sleek, Scullin drivered L-4, no. 3137, on the occasion of her last run on January 10, 1956. She was assigned to no. 302, the overnight train from Cincinnati to Detroit, and it bears mention that this was the…
Taken on the same morning and in almost the same spot as the previous picture, this one shows an extra east pulling through town behind a dirt-caked L-2, the 2936. The plume in the background indicates, as before, excessive steam pressure on the yard…
Again, the camera is facing east from the vantage point of Sherman Drive, but here it has been moved across the bridge so as to include the yard tracks known as the hump leads. Running through the background is the main line, and in the upper right…
This picture begins the series illustrating the route through Indianapolis followed by the main line of the Indiana Division from Cincinnati to Kankakee. Again, as in the case of the Cleveland-St. Louis series, the pictures are arranged as nearly as…
In the 18 miles between Wade, the tower at the vost end of Riverside Yard, and Lawrenceburg Junction, the main line of the Indiana Division curves through the Ohio River valley on an almost level gradient. In the next 17 miles between Lawrenceburg…
The 2825 pulls past the depot at Mount Carmel, headed into the yard with train CA-5 southbound. This symbol, with variations, covers all manifest services from Chicago to Cairo, which amount to very little - a train a day for the Indiana Division at…
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